10. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to candidates?




"Section 84

Local non-governmental organization or association and international association or organization performing works in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall not do any activity, directly or indirectly, as follows:

- Providing means in budget, materials or equipment, human resource or other means to support a political party or a candidate, including:

  • Providing vehicles of any kind as means for electoral campaigns of a political party or a candidate.
  • Providing money, materials and equipment for use for the people to participate in the campaign activities in support of a political party or a candidate.
  • Providing, directly or indirectly, money, materials and equipment for campaigns’ rallies, public meetings, arts performance and printing campaign materials to support a political party or a candidate."

Source: Section 84 paragraph two sub-paragraph three, Law on the Election of the Members of the National Assembly, 2015

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