18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?



Yes, for natural persons

"A sole contributor may contribute to a candidate... a donation not above 11,380 NIS... in a primaries to the position of the party chairman, the prime minister, the head of local authority... a contributor can contribute... up to 45,470 NIS."

Source: Article 28f, Parties Law, 1992. 

"A person who is elected or is determined to be a candidate of a party for a positions enumerated in the definition of "preliminary elections" by an organization whose number does not exceed 50 shall not receive a contribution to finance the process of his election."

Source: Article 28b3, Parties Law, 1992. 

"An eligible candidate is not entitled to receive donations, loans, or guarantees to finance his contesting in eligible primaries."

Source: Article 28(33), Parties Law, 1992. 

a) A candidate shall not receive contributions to finance his running in the primaries and shall not make expenses, at a total value exceeding the amounts detailed below, according to the number of eligible voters in those preliminary elections: (1) up to 50 [eligible voters]: For contributions - 0 NIS; (2) 51 to 9,999  - 5,690 NIS and 15 NIS for each voter over 50 voters; (3) 10,000 to 99,999 - 176,210 NIS and 2.75 NIS for each voter over 10,000 voters; (4) 100,000 and above - 460,420 NIS and another 2 NIS per voter over 100,000 voters; b) In the preliminary elections in which a candidate run for the post of chairman of the party... and less than 50,000 voters are eligible, the amount for the purposes of subsection (a) shall be two times the amounts specified therein; If the number of holders of the right to vote is at least 50,000, such amount shall be four times the amounts specified in subsection (a)."

Source: Article 28h, Parties Law, 1992.

"a) candidate in an "eligible primaries" shall not make expenses in a total value exceeding the amounts specified below, according to the number of eligible voters in those preliminary elections... to finance his running in the primaries: (1) Up to 50 [eligible voters]: With respect to donations - 0 NIS...; (2) 51 to 4,999 - 4,000 NIS and NIS 9 for each voter over 50 voters; (3) 5,000 to 9,999 - 50,000 NIS and another NIS 11 per voter over 5,000 voters;(4) 10,000 to 99,999 -120,000 NIS 2 NIS per voter over 10,000 voters; (5) 100,000 and above - 320,000 NIS. b) ...a candidate as specified below shall not receive contributions to finance his participation in "eligible primaries" with a total value exceeding the amounts stated in subsection (a): (1) A candidate who is not an "eligible candidate."

Source: Article 28(32), Parties Law, 1992.


A person can contribute to a candidate in a primaries for the position of MP no more than 11,380 NIS, and to a candidate in  primaries for the position of party chairman, prime minister, or head of a local authority - no more than 45,470 NIS. Candidates in primaries with less than 50 electors may not raise any donations. However, there are special rules regarding "eligible elections" - primaries for the position of MP, which take place in parties with at least 5,000 members, and where most of the party's members are entitled to vote. In such elections, "eligible candidate" - a candidate who is a member of the government or a Member of the Knesset - is not entitled to receive donations, other than from himself and his family (however, he recieve pubic funding, - see below). 

There are also maximum ceilings for total allowed contributions, depending of the number of qualified voters, the position (Member of the Parliament or Chairman of a party/Prime Minister), and whether these are eligible elections or not.

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