38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Section 181, Electoral Act 5 of 2014.
Mentioned indirectly under the Section 181 (Bribery) of the Act.
181. (1) A person who, whether himself or herself or through an intermediary and whether directly or indirectly - (a) corruptly gives, lends or procures, or agrees to give, lend or procure, or offers, promises, or promises to procure, or promises to endeavour to procure, any money or any other thing, to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person - (i) for the purpose of inducing the voter to record or abstain from recording his or her vote in any election or referendum; or (ii) on account of the fact that the voter has recorded or abstained from recording his or her vote in any election or referendum; (b) makes any gift, loan, offer or promise or effect for the voter, any person on behalf of the voter or any other person any such procurement or enters into any such agreement to or for or with any other person for the purpose of inducing such person to vote for any particular political party, organisation or candidate or for a particular answer in a referendum; (c) upon or in consequence of any gift, loan offer, promise, procurement or agreement, procures or engages or promises or endeavours to procure the vote of any voter in the election or referendum; (d) corruptly advances or pays, or causes to be advanced or paid, any money, to or for the use of, any other person with the intention that the money, or any part thereof, is to be expended on bribery in the election or referendum concerned, or who knowingly pays, or causes to be paid, any money or any other person in discharge or repayment of any money which has in full or in part been expended in bribery in the election or referendum; (e) before or during the election or referendum concerned, receives or negotiates any payment or loan on his or her own behalf or any other person in consideration for his or her voting or his or her agreeing to vote in the election or referendum or his or her abstaining from voting, or his or her agreeing to abstain from voting in the election or referendum; or (f) after the election or referendum has received any money on account of the fact that any other person - (i) has recorded his or her vote or has abstained from recording his or her vote in the election or referendum; or (ii) has induced any further person to record or to abstain from recording his or her vote in the election or referendum, commits an offence.