38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

"Section 71
All political parties, candidates or supporters shall not threaten, intimidate and entice anyone to affix thumbprint, swear or promise to vote for any political party.
All political parties, candidates or representatives shall not make donations in cash or in kind as incentives, by any means or in any form, to institutions, organizations or any person to buy votes.
Section 71
All political parties, candidates or supporters shall not threaten, intimidate and persuade any individual to affix thumbprint or swear or promise to vote for any political party.
All political parties, candidates or representatives shall not provide a gift in the form of finance or materials as a reward regardless of any means or forms for an institution, organization or individual in order to buy the heart of voters."
Source: Section 71 paragraph four and five, Law on the Election of Members of the National Assembly, 2015 and Law on the Election of Commune/Sangkat Councils, 2015