57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?



Carry out investigation Impose sanctions

"Section 12

(b) The Commission shall cancel the registration of the party from being a political party that is involved with certain fact contained in Sub-section (a) and also disband the said party.

Section 23

The Commission may supervise political parties to ensure that they perform in conformity with the existing laws, bylaws, rules and procedures, notifications, orders and directives. It may assign duty to Sub-commissions of different levels to supervise on its behalf.

Section 24

(a) If the Commission finds that a party does not abide by certain provision of this Law, bylaws, rules and procedures, notifications, orders and directives, or certain provision of existing laws; the Commission may prescribe the time and direct such party to perform as may be necessary.

(b) If someone makes a report to the Commission and files a complaint about the internal affairs of a party, the Commission may investigate and, if necessary, in the interest of the State prescribe the time and direct such party to the facts to be abided by.

(c) The Commission may suspend the political party registration of such party up to three years, if the party fails to comply strictly with the directive under the Sub-section (a) or Sub-section (b).

(d) In case of suspension of political party registration under the Sub-section (c), the said party shall suspend all the ongoing works of the party except the ones directed by the Commission, during the suspension.

(e) In case of failure to comply with the directive till the end of the suspension period under the Sub-section (c), the Commission shall revoke the political party registration of the party, and shall also disband the party."

Source: Section 12 (b), Sections 23-24, Political Parties Registration Law, 2010

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