If official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system, at which level results are entered into an electronic tabulation system?
Voting, counting and sorting system No. (8) For the year 2018
21.The electronic verification device: A device used inside the polling station to read the electronic voter card data that is registered with the voters of the station as well as taking the voter's fingerprint.
22. The electronic counting and sorting device of the polling station: It is a device used inside the polling station, the top part of which is a scanner for the purpose of scanning the ballot paper electronically. The voter after marking the ballot paper put his ballot paper in the slot assigned to it in the scanner to read it and calculate the recorded vote. The scanner also reads the data stored in the electronic verification device card and performs a matching of these data with the data stored in the electronic ballot box scanner, storing it and sending the results data electronically to the national Center for the collecting and tabulating of results through the carrier medium (VSAT) and the issuance of the printed paper report of the results.
23. The electronic counting and sorting device of the polling center: A device consisting of a scanner for the purpose of scanning the ballot paper electronically and reading the voting signal inside it and converting it into digital data. The votes cast for the political parties, candidates and individual lists to be collected, sorted, stored and sent electronically to the National Center for collecting and sorting the results via carrier medium (V-SAT) and the issuance of a paper results report. It is a second backup device used if the first reserve at the polling station is in operation and it operates with the same mechanism as the station device, but it can be used in counting and sorting more than one station after another.