28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

San Marino
Political parties rely largely on public funds and receive annual subsidies in proportion to their parliamentary representation. The subsidy is doubled in an election year to provide additional funds for campaigning.
Source: OSCE/ODIHR (2016), Republic of San Marino, Early Parliamentary Elections, 20 November 2016, OSCE/ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission Report, OSCE/ODIHR, Warsaw
The State provides an annual subsidy to political parties, proportional to their parliamentary representation: [...] The annual subsidy is a fixed proportional share of the State budget; it is doubled when in an election year (Articles 2 and 5, Law No 170/2005).
Source: GRECO (2016), Third Evaluation Round, Evaluation Report on San Marino, Transparency of Party Funding, (Theme II), GRECO, Strasbourg