18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?




Art. 44AA, (1): ‘every contesting candidate shall submit to the Returning Officer, a statement, in the prescribed form, of the probable sources of fund to meet his election expenses showing- (a) the sum to be provided by him from his own income and the sources of such income; (b) the sum to be borrowed, or received as voluntary contribution, from his relations and the sources of their income; (c) the sum to be borrowed, or received as voluntary contribution, from any other person; (d) the sum to be received as voluntary contribution, from any political party, organisation or association; e) the sum to be received from any other source. (7) Provided that the provisions of sub-clauses (a) to (e) shall not apply to a case where the amount of such sum is not more than taka five thousand to be received as voluntary contribution or grant.

Source: Representation of the People Order, 1972 (as amended up to 2008).




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