33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

- Number of candidates
- Other
4. (1) During an election period, broadcasting time for election broadcasts will be allocated by the Commission to any political party which makes application in the Form 1 set out in the Schedule hereto and satisfies the Commission that no less than 10 of its members are validly nominated candidates for the election.
(2) The allocation of broadcasting time for election broadcasts, which shall be confirmed by the Commission in the Form 2 set out in the Schedule hereto, will be made on the determination of the Commission on the following basis:
(a)two broadcasts of not more than 15 minutes duration and a third and final broadcast of not more than 30 minutes duration, to the political party which qualifies for an allocation under paragraph (1) of this regulation and which commanded the support of the majority of the membership of the House of Assembly immediately prior to the last dissolution of Parliament;
(b) one broadcast of not more than 15 minutes duration and a second and final broadcast of not more than 30 minutes duration, to the political party which qualifies for an allocation under paragraph (1) of this regulation and which commanded the support of the majority of the opposition membership of the House of Assembly immediately prior to the last dissolution of Parliament;
(c) one broadcast of not more than 15 minutes duration, to any other political party which qualifies for an allocation under paragraph (1) of this regulation. [...]
Source: Article 4, Representation of the People (General Elections) (Allocation of Broadcasting Time) Regulations, 1990
The main condition for free access to media during election campaign is that no less than 10 of political party's members are validly nominated candidates
for the election.
The exact free airtime depends on the status of the political party: 15 min of broadcast for every political party. Additional one 15 min and one 30 min broadcasts for ruling party in parliament; or additional two 30 min broadcast for an opposition party in parliament.