52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors?




Art. 5 (5) - "The list indicated under paragraph 4 shall include the following elements: the last name and first name of the party member, citizenship, personal identification number, amount and date when the membership fee was paid."

Art. 11 (2) - "At the written request of the donor, his / her identity remains confidential, provided the donation is within the limit of the annual amount of 10 minimum gross national salaries."

Art. 13 (2) - "The list indicated under paragraph 1 shall include the following elements: a) for natural persons: last name and first name of the party member, personal identification number, citizenship, amount, type of donation and date when it was made;"

Source: Articles 5 (5), 11 (2) and 13 (2), The Law no. 334/2006 on financing the activity of political parties and electoral campaigns, 2006 (as of January 20, 2017)


Information must be published about natural persons who during one year have donated more than 10 minimum gross salaries.

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