51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




Art. 5 (4) - "Political parties shall publish in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, by 30 April of the following year, the total amount of income from the membership fees obtained in the previous fiscal year, as well as the list of party members who paid in the previous fiscal year membership fees whose cumulated value exceeds 10 minimum gross salaries at the country level."

Art. 13 (1)  - "Political parties shall publish in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I the list of natural and legal persons who have made in the previous fiscal year donations whose cumulated value exceeds 10 minimum gross base salaries at the country level, the list of natural and legal persons who have given loans whose amount exceeds 100 minimum gross base salaries at the country level, as well as the total amount of the confidential donations, respectively, the total amount of loans with a value of under 100 minimum gross base salaries at the country level,received by 30 April of the following year."

Art. 44 (1) - "The Permanent Electoral Authority shall check annually and whenever notified the compliance of each party with the lawful provisions on the financing of political parties".

Art. 44 (3) - "The annual report shall be published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I and on the web site of the Permanent Electoral Authority by 30 April of the following year."

Art. 47 (3) - "The Reports referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2), as well as the amount of debt recorded as a result of the electoral campaign shall be published by the Permanent Electoral Authority in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I within 60 days of the publication of the outcome of the elections."

Source: Articles 5 (4), 13 (1), 44 (1), 44 (3) and 47 (3), The Law no. 334/2006 on financing the activity of political parties and electoral campaigns, 2006 (as of January 20, 2017)


On the Internet and in the Official Journal of Romania.

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