27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




"Pecuniary donations shall be paid by the donor to the central accounts of political parties or the special accounts of independent MPs and members of representative bodies of local and regional self-government units elected from a list of a group of voters referred to in Article 7(3) of this Act, or the special accounts of leaders of independent lists or leaders of lists of a group of voters and candidates referred to in Article 14(3) of this Act."

Source: Article 11, POLITICAL ACTIVITY AND ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCING ACT (consolidated text) 2013, (with 2016 amendment included)

"Donations made to finance the costs of election campaigns for candidates nominated by political parties to participate in elections for MP, elections for members to the European Parliament, and elections for members of representative bodies of local and regional self-government units shall be paid to a special account of such political parties to be opened for the purposes of financing their election campaign costs for each individual elections that they participate in."

Source: Article 14, POLITICAL ACTIVITY AND ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCING ACT (consolidated text) 2013, (with 2016 amendment included)

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