49. Do candidates have to report on their election campaign finances?




'[E]lection candidates - at general as well as local council elections ? are required to submit a return of their election incomes and expenses to the Electoral Commission. Article 50 of the Fourteenth Schedule of the General Elections Act provides that the election agent of every candidate is required to transmit a return of the election expenses of the candidate to the Electoral Commission within 31 days from the publication of the result of the election. Every such return, signed by the candidate and his/her agent and signed before a Magistrate, is to contain a statement of all payments made by the candidate or by the election agent, or by any persons on behalf of the candidate, or in his/her interest, for expenses incurred on account of, or in respect of, the conduct and management of the election, and a further statement of all unpaid claims in respect of such expenses.' (p. 9) (Source: GRECO (2009) Evaluation Report on Malta on Transparency of Party Funding (Theme II))



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