33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Congo, Democratic Republic of
Article 19: Legally constituted political parties have the right of free access and equal treatment by the public media in the context of weekly programs and programs to make their opinions known and to read the communiqués adopted or signed by their statutory bodies. The coverage of their statutory and public events and the distribution of their press releases are balanced by the public information bodies, and in particular by the radio, television and the Congolese News Agency, in strict compliance pluralism and objectivity, in accordance with the rules of professional conduct applicable to the profession journalist. In addition, legally constituted political parties are invited as such to participate in programs of a political, economic, scientific, cultural, social, sports forms. The High Authority for the Media ensures the proper execution of the this provision.
Source LAW N ° 04/002 OF MARCH 15, 2004
Art 33 The High Media Authority ensures that the principle of equality between candidates is respected in media information programs in regarding reproduction and commentary of statements, writings, activities of the candidates and the presentation of their person. The High Media Authority intervenes, where appropriate, with the competent authorities to take all measures likely to ensure this equality. Conditions of access to public and private media for the purpose of
electoral campaign are stopped by the High Media Authority in consultation with the Independent Electoral Commission.
Loi Electorale , Fevrier 2006