12. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to candidates?




"Section 53       Neither candidate nor any person shall commit any act to induce a voter to cast a vote for him or her or another candidate or any political party or to abstain from voting for any candidate or political party by the following means:

            (1) providing, giving, offering, promising to give or preparing to give properties or any other benefits which can be calculated in money value to any person;

            (2) giving, offering or promising to give money, properties or any other benefits whether directly or indirectly to a community, association, foundation, temple, education institution, asylum or any other institution;

            (3) campaigning for an election by organizing an entertainment or other fair;

            (4) treating or promising to treat any person;

            (5) cheating, compelling, threatening, using influence to slandering or inducing the misunderstanding in the popularity of any candidate or political party.

Section 54       Neither person nor any political party shall ask for or accept properties or any other benefits with a view to applying or not to applying for a candidacy in an election provided that such act is profitable to another candidate or political party in an election and that the election does not proceed in an honest and fair manner. Neither person nor any political party shall apply for a candidacy in an election or nominate its members to stand for election in such a way that helps any other person or political party circumvent the compliance with rules under Section 88.

Section 55       No person shall provide the vehicle to bring a voter to a polling place for an election or to take a voter back from a polling place without paying normal fares or wages, to induce or control the voter to cast a vote for any candidate or political party.

Section 56       No person not being of Thai nationality shall support an election campaign or commit any act for the benefit of an election in a manner favorable or unfavorable to any candidate or political party except when such act is committed to support a government service or committed honestly in an ordinary course of business of such person.

Section 57       No State official shall, by exercising the function unlawfully, commit any act to be favorable or unfavorable to a candidate or a political party.

            The unlawful exercise of function under paragraph one shall not include the performance of duty in an ordinary course of position of such State official or the advice or the assistance in an election of a candidate or a political party which is not relevant to the performance of duties, regardless of whether such act may be favorable or unfavorable to any candidate or political party.

            In the case where there appears convincing evidence of any violation of the provisions of paragraph one, the Election Commission shall, if being of the opinion that any act may be favorable or unfavorable to any candidate or political party, have the power to order such State official to cease or suspend the act thereof. For this purpose, the Election Commission shall notify the superior or the supervisor of such official to order that such official shall vacate the office temporarily or shall attach to any Ministry, Sub-Ministry, Department, Changwat central office or Amphoe office inside or outside the constituency or to prohibit such person to enter into any constituency."

Source: Sections 53-57, Organic Act on Election of Members of the House of Representatives and Installation of Senators, 2007

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