13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

"Section 76 No State agency, State enterprises, any other State agency or enterprise of which the State is a major shareholder, shall donate money, property or any other benefit to any political party or participate in activities under Section 64.
An enterprise of which the State is a major shareholder under paragraph one means the enterprise in which the State is a partner or holds the largest number of shares when compared with each and all of the other partners or shareholders, or where the proportion is one-third of the controlled partnership stakes or shares or of the total partnership stakes or shares of such enterprise.
Paragraph one shall apply to temple or other juristic persons having the religious objective and religious organization whether having juristic status or not. The Election Commission has the right to decide the compliance with other juristic persons established for public interest or non-profitable activities."
Source: Section 76, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)