51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




"Section 52       Within ninety days as from the date of the announcement of the result of election, each candidate and the political party list nominating candidates shall submit income and expenditure accounts prepared by the Leader and certified by the candidate or the Leader of the political party, as the case may be, to the Election Commission. The income and expenditure accounts shall at least contain the particulars on all the paid expenses and the outstanding payment including the relevant accurate and complete evidence.

            After the verification of the particulars of expenses by the Election Commission under paragraph one, the Election Commission shall announce the result of such verification of expenses in accordance with the rules and procedure prescribed by the Election Commission.

            In the case where there is a petition that any candidate or any political party has paid in an election exceeding the amount of expenditure prescribed by the Election Commission, such particulars of expenses and the relevant evidence shall be kept until the Election Commission has completed the procedure."

Source: Section 52, Organic Act on Election of Members of the House of Representatives and Installation of Senators (First and Second Amendment), 2007 and 2011

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