18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?




"Section 68       Under the provisions of Section 65 and Section 67, from the proclamation of the Election Decree to the Election Day, any candidate receiving money, property or any other benefit totally valued at not exceeding ten thousand baht (THB 10,000) per day, of which the donor intends to support the political activities of candidate and political party including election campaign, shall notify the Election Commission within seven days after donation as prescribed by the Election Commission.

            Where the object acquired under paragraph one is not transferable to political party or perishable, a candidate shall notify political party to record value of that object as expenditure in election campaign.

            In case a candidate suspects that the qualification of money, property or any other benefit is deemed benefit of political activities of political party or election campaign under paragraph one or object under paragraph two, a candidate shall submit the case to the Election Commission. The Election Commission must decide within fifteen days after notification."

Source: Section 68, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)

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