5. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties?




"Section 72       No political party or any person holding a position in a political party shall receive money, property or any other benefit, if they know, or could be expected to know, that it was acquired illegally, or have reasonable cause to suspect that it was obtained from illegal sources.

Section 74       No political party shall receive a donation for carrying out its political activities from:

            (1) a person not of Thai nationality;

            (2) a juristic person under the law of a foreign country carrying out its business or activities or having its registered branch in or outside the Kingdom;

            (3) a juristic person registered in the Kingdom consisting of persons not being of Thai nationality who hold share capital or hold more than forty-nine per cent of shares. In the case of a public company limited listed registered with The Stock Exchange of Thailand, the consideration under this sub-section shall apply the public firm’s shareholder registration book. The shares hold by either anonymous or the representative of anonymous shall be considered shares hold by persons of not being Thai;

            (4) a group of person or juristic person receiving capital or supporting money from a foreign country, and having an objective to carry out any activity for the benefit of persons not being of Thai nationality or having a manager or a member of its executive committee who is not a person of Thai nationality;

            (5) a person, group of person or juristic person receiving a donation with a view to carrying out the activities of a political party or any political activity from a person, group of person or juristic person under (1) (2) (3) or (4);

            (6) a person, group of person or juristic person in the same manner as (1) (2) (3) (4) or (5) prescribed by the Election Commission.

Section 76       No State agency, State enterprises, any other State agency or enterprise of which the State is a major shareholder, shall donate money, property or any other benefit to any political party or participate in activities under Section 64."

Source: Section 72, Section 74 paragraph 1, Section 76 paragraph 1, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)

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