58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Loss of public funding

"Anyone who [...] with donations or gifts in cash or in kind, with promises of gifts, favors, public or private employment or other benefits, will influence or attempt to influence the vote of one or more voters, directly, or through, a third person by the same means, anyone who will determine or will try to determine one or more voters to abstain, shall be punished with one to five years imprisonment and a fine of hundred thousand (100,000) to one million (1,000,000) francs." Source: Article 130, Loi n 2016-048 du 17 octobre  2016 portant loi electorale, 2016

"The production of false report by any political party entails the loss of public funding for the next year, without prejudice to criminal prosecution." Source: Article 30, Loi n° 05-047 du 18 août 2005 portant Charte des partis politiques, 2005


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