57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?

Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde

Impose sanctions Other

Art 131 ‘(Inspection of electoral accounts) 1. The National Electoral Commission shall, within a period of ninety days, the legality of revenue and regularity of the electoral accounts and, for the purpose, request and obtain, with priority, the advice of the General Inspectorate of Finance or to purchase independent services of expert opinion or audit in the market. 2. If the National Commission of Elections verifies any irregularity in the accounts, notice the application to submit, within a period of 15 days, new accounts regularized. 3. The National Electoral Commission shall decide on the new accounts within 15 days.’

Art 132 ‘(Sanction for the non-provision of electoral accounts) If, within legal deadlines, the accounts are not presented for consideration by the National Commission of Elections or, having been, are not considered to be regular, sees suspended the payment of the State subsidy until the situation is regularized, without prejudice to the in accordance with this Code.

(Source Codigo Eleitoral 2010) 

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