48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?

Saint Lucia
“The only piece of legislature [sic] relating to the need for politicians to disclose is the Integrity in Public Life Act of 2002' [This relates to asset disclosure by MPs].” Source: Ryan, Selwyn, Disclosure and Enforcement of Political Party and Campaign Financing in CARICOM States in Griner, Steven & Zovatto, Daniel (ed. by) (2005), From Grassroots to the Airwaves: Paying for Political Parties and Campaigns in The Caribbean, The Organization of American States (OAS) and International IDEA, Washington D.C, 2005
"St. Lucia has no norms that require political parties to apply standardized mechanisms to register the flows of campaign funds, nor does it regulate administration of said resources. Though the lack of norms in the area of accountability does not translate into a complete absence of reporting practices, it leads to discretion and arbitrariness; parties simply apply those mechanisms that they prefer or those that are most applicable to their electoral financing strategies." Source: Organization of American States, Final Report of the Electoral Observation Mission in Saint Lucia General Election 2011, OAS Secretariat for Political Affairs, 2012