58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Prison
  • Loss of political rights
  • Loss of elected office

No person shall be qualified to be appointed as a Senator who [...]

h) is disqualified for membership of the House of Assembly by virtue of any law in force in The Bahamas by reason of his having been convicted for any offence relating to elections;

Source: Section 42 (1), Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 1973

No person shall be qualified to be elected as a member of the House of Assembly who [...]

h) is disqualified for membership of the House of Assembly by virtue of any law in force in The Bahamas by reason of his having been convicted of any offence relating to elections;

Source: Section 48 (1), Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 1973

“Whoever is guilty of corruption, intimidation, or personation in respect of a public election, is guilty of a misdemeanour and shall be liable to imprisonment for nine months, and shall, during seven years from the date of his conviction, be incapable of voting at any public election and of holding the public office in respect of which the election was held, or any public office of the same nature.”

Source: Section 468 (1), Penal Code, 1927


Sanctions are provided only in case of corruption.

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