27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




Political Party Law NO. 66 (1991) Art. 17 (d)


(d) Gifts and donations.

The party or political organization may not accept from non-Yemeni individuals or

entities any gifts, benefits, or donations. The party or political organization must put on

financial accounting records the name of each donor and the amount donated. The

proper authorities must be informed if a single contribution exceeds (YR 100,000), or if

the total annual donations from a donor exceed (YR 200,000 ). The donations given to

parties and political organizations may not be deducted for income tax purposes.


Article (24): The funds of the party or political organization may not be dispensed except

towards its objectives and according to the procedures stipulated in its by-laws. The party or

political organization is required to deposit its funds in local banks and to keep books in

accordance with proper accounting principles showing the revenues and expenditures. The

party or political organization must submit its annual report including the final accounts to the

proper authorities.

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