57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?



Request additional information from potential violator Impose sanctions

29.—(1) The Registrar may by notice require the relevant person in
the case of any political association —
(a) to produce, for inspection by the Registrar or a person
authorised by the Registrar, any such books, documents or
other records relating to the income and expenditure of the
political association as the Registrar may reasonably require
for the purposes of the carrying out by his function under this
Act; or
(b) to furnish the Registrar, or a person authorised by the
Registrar, with such information or explanation relating to
the income and expenditure of the political association as the
Registrar may reasonably so require,
and to do so within such reasonable time as is specified in the notice.
(2) The Registrar, or a person authorised by the Registrar, may —
(a) make copies of, or records of any information contained in,
any books, documents or other records produced under
subsection (1)(a); or
(b) make copies or records of any information or explanation
furnished under subsection (1)(b).
(3) The Registrar or a person authorised in writing by the Registrar
may, for the purposes of the carrying out of his functions, enter at any
reasonable time premises occupied by a political association and
having entered any such premises may —
(a) inspect any books, documents or other records relating to the
income and expenditure of the political association; and
(b) make copies of, or records of any information contained in,
any such books, documents or other records. Source: Section 29, Political Donations Act, 2011

92.—(1) Every application under section 90 shall be heard by the
Chief Justice or by a Judge of the Supreme Court nominated by the
Chief Justice for the purpose.
(2) The Chief Justice or the Judge so nominated is referred to in this
Act as the Election Judge.
(3) Witnesses shall be subpoenaed and sworn in the same manner as
nearly as circumstances admit as in a trial by the High Court in the
exercise of its original civil jurisdiction and shall be subject to the
same penalties for the giving of false evidence.
(4) On the hearing of an application under section 90, the Election
Judge may, by order under his hand, compel the attendance of any
person as a witness who appears to him to have been concerned in the
election to which the application refers.
(5) Any person refusing to obey the order of the Election Judge
under subsection (4) shall be guilty of contempt of court.
(6) The Election Judge may examine any witness so compelled to
attend or any person in court, although the witness is not called and
examined by any party to the application.
(7) After the examination of a witness by the Election Judge, the
witness may be cross-examined by or on behalf of the applicant and
the respondent, or either of them.
(8) The Election Judge shall be attended on the hearing of an
application under section 90 in the same manner as if he were a Judge
of the High Court.
(9) Unless otherwise ordered by the Chief Justice, all interlocutory
matters in connection with an application under section 90 may be
dealt with and decided by any Judge of the High Court.
Source: Section 92 (1), Parliamentary Elections Act, 2015

10.—(1) The Registrar or an Assistant Registrar may at any time by
notice under his hand order any registered society to furnish him with
any such information as he may require concerning the society or any
documents, accounts and books relating to the society. Source: Section 10 (1), Societies Act, 2014

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