33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Burkina Faso
- Equal
- Number of candidates
"The distribution of the State contribution provided for in Article 4 above shall be made in proportion to the number of candidates nominated by political parties or groups in the municipal and legislative elections. operate regularly and are up to date with their statutory obligations can benefit from the financing of the state budget." Source: Article 8, Loi N° 008-2009/AN portant financement des partis et formations politiques et des campagnes électorales, 2009
"The contribution of the State provided for in Article 4 above shall be divided equally among the candidates for the presidential elections under conditions defined by decree of the Council of Ministers." Source: Article 9, Loi N° 008-2009/AN portant financement des partis et formations politiques et des campagnes électorales, 2009
"The State contributes to the financing of the activities of political parties and political parties outside the electoral campaign with public funds, for which purpose an annual credit line is established in accordance with the terms of article 2 of this law." Source: Article 10, Loi N° 008-2009/AN portant financement des partis et formations politiques et des campagnes électorales, 2009
In the case of municipal and legislative elections, state contributions to political parties in relation to elections is proportional to the number of presented candidates. In the case of presidential elections, the contribution is shared between candidates. o allocation is specified for contributions outside of electoral campaigns.