48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?

United Kingdom
(1) Subject to section 64, the treasurer of a registered party shall, in the case of any general election period, prepare a report under this section in respect of each of the following periods—
(a) the period of seven days beginning with the first day of the general election period;
(b) each succeeding period of seven days falling within the general election period; and
(c) anyfinalperiodoflessthansevendaysfallingwithinthatperiod.
(2) In this section—
“weekly report” means a report prepared under subsection (1);
“reporting period”, in relation to such a report, means the period mentioned in any of paragraphs (a) to (c) of that subsection to which the report relates. (a) beginning with the date on which Her Majesty’s intention to dissolve Parliament is announced in connection with a forthcoming parliamentary general election, and
(b) ending with the date of the poll.
(3) The weekly report for any reporting period shall record each donation of more than £5,000 received during that period—
(a) by the party (if it is not a party with accounting units); or
(b) by the central organisation of the party (if it is a party with accounting units).
(4) If during any reporting period no donations falling within subsection (3) have been received as mentioned in that subsection, the weekly report for that period shall contain a statement to that effect.
(5) Schedule 6 has effect with respect to the information to be given in weekly reports.
(6) In this section and section 64 “general election period” means the period—Source: Article 63,Political Parties and Referendums Act, 2000