28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

In relation to regular party operations: "The State devotes a yearly amount equivalent to one percent (1%) of the resources national budget in support of the operation of legally recognized political parties. " Source: Article 36, Loi sur la formation, le fonctionnement et le financement des partis politiques, 2014
"Public funding must be used to pay regular expenses, dissemination of a party's political project, coordination of the political actions of their members and provision of training for members. Source: Article 39, Loi sur la formation, le fonctionnement et le financement des partis politiques, 2014
"Public funding of a political party is reduced by ten percent (10%) in the following year, if for a year it does not carry out any training activities. Source: Article 50, Loi sur la formation, le fonctionnement et le financement des partis politiques, 2014
In relation to electoral campaign spending:
"On the occasion of electoral competitions, the State grants political parties, groups, elected candidates a grant to assist them in carrying out their election campaigns. Source: Article 125, Decret Electoral, 2015
"The amount of the subsidy to be granted to the concerned parties, political groups and
approved candidates, will be determined by the Provisional Electoral Council [...]" Source: Article 126, Decret Electoral, 2015
"No financial subsidies will be allocated to independent candidates." Source: Article 126.1, Decret Electoral, 2015