18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?



Yes, for both natural and legal persons

During a political campaign:
"Any donation, in whatever form, made to a candidate, political party or group
policy by a natural or legal person is tax-deductible for the donor, following
the legal procedures in force. This amount can not be greater than a) Seven million five hundred thousand gourdes (Gdes 7,500,000.00) for a political party or
a political grouping;
b) Five million gourdes (Gdes 5,000,000.00) for the presidential candidate;
c) Two million gourdes (GD 2,000,000.00) for the candidate in the Senate;
d) One million gourdes (Gdes 1,000,000.00) for a candidate for the deputation;
e) Five hundred thousand gourdes (Gdes 500,000.00) for the candidate cartel at the Municipality;
f) Two hundred thousand gourdes (Gdes 200,000.00) for other elective offices.
The above ceilings may be revised by notice of the Provisional Electoral Council three (3) months
before the start of the election campaign taking into account the inflation index. "Source: Article 130, Decret Electoral, 2015

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