Voting method

OSCE Mission Report on 2015 Elections:
"The 2014 amendments to the Electoral Law provide the possibility of postal voting for non-resident citizens ... ."
Principality of Andorra, Law on the electoral system and the referendum (as of 2014), accessed 11 April 2019
Article 33. Vote for judicial deposit by mail
1. The voters living abroad that appear as such in the voter registration and electoral lists final vote can make use of judicial deposit by mail.
2. Exceptionally can also use this method of voting electors who, despite not registered in the electoral register as living abroad, prove that they are studying abroad or doing temporary work or activity professional abroad.
3. To use this method of voting stakeholders have expressly requested and, in the case of electors referred to in paragraph 2, shall attach to their application a certificate issued by training center or the company which provides services abroad. The request must be made in writing or through the website stating the common registration before 12 pm on the fifth business day following the date of publication of the notice of election, the terms set the rules.
4. Once proclaimed candidates, the Government, on behalf of the common address voters living abroad and those others who, by virtue of the provisions in the preceding paragraph 2, have chosen to vote for judicial deposit in the mail, all the documentation required for voting. The Government will regulate, through appropriate regulation, the form, terms and means should be used both to deliver the documents referred to voters who make use of their right to make to get the envelope containing the vote in the Bailiwick.
This documentation will be sent in advance, must consist of official envelopes, official ballots of all candidates, a certificate of registration of the party list electoral ultimately delivered by one of its own common for sending the vote stating printed address the Magistracy. These documents along with a full explanation of the procedures.
5. To proceed to the vote, the voter will introduce in each of the ballot envelopes that have elected officials and proceed to closing. These envelopes are fed into the envelope intended for sending documentation to the Magistracy, together with the certificate of registration to the final electoral list and a photocopy of the passport. This envelope should be closed-which is consist in the back the name and address of the sender and voter signature.
Following the instructions, subject to the provisions of the regulations, stated in the documentation received, the voter made the necessary arrangements so that is sent over the Magistracy.