56. Which institution(s) is responsible for examining financial reports and/or investigating violations?



  • Ministry
  • Other

Article 26. Supervision of execution of legislation by political parties, unions

"Supervision of strict and uniform execution of laws, decrees, edicts and other normative legal acts by political parties, unions is imposed on the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Belarus and prosecutors subordinated to him."

Article 27. Control over compliance of activity of political parties, their organizational structures, unions with the legislation and their statutes

"Control over compliance of activity of political parties, unions with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, other acts of legislation and statutes is carried out by the Ministry of Justice.

Control over compliance of activity of organizational structures of political parties with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, other acts of legislation and statutes of political parties is carried out by appropriate departments of justice."

Article 28. Control over financial and economic activity of political parties, unions

"State bodies and other state organizations, within the limits of their competence, exercise control over financial and economic activity of political parties, unions."

Source: Articles 26, 27 (indents 1 - 3) and 28, The Law of the Republic of Belarus on Political Parties, 1994 (Amended as of June 4, 2015)

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