28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

Chapter II, Article 2, Loi portant Réglementation du Financement des Partis Politiques,2007, amended 2011
Art. 2. The political parties that
- presented a full list in the four constituencies during the legislative elections and a full
list in the unique national constituency during European elections and
- obtained at least two percent from the total votes both in the four constituencies for
national elections as a national average and in the unique national constituency for
European elections
are entitled, apart from the contribution that they have been allocated in enforcing
Chapter IX of the law amended on February 18, 2003, to an annual contribution from the
state budget, determined as follows:
1. lump sum of 100,000 Euros ;
2. an additional amount of 11,500 Euros for each percentage point from the additional
votes received during the national elections ;
3. an additional amount of 11,500 Euros for each percentage point from the additional
votes received during the European elections.
In granting the additional amount, each percentage point from the additional votes
received shall be taken into account until the second position behind the comma.
The contribution, determined as per the previous paragraphs, cannot exceed 75 percent
of the global revenue of the central structure of a political party. It is for the respective
political party to demonstrate the burden of proof.
If a political party no longer meets the terms stipulated in paragraph 1, it shall lose the
benefit of public financing starting with the subsequent financial year.
Annual contributions from state budget consisting of a lump sum and in relation to votes received.