27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




Article16bis of the Act of 4 July 1989 on the limitation and control of election expenses, amended 2015

"((Without prejudice to the registration obligation as specified at article 6,
paragraph 2, and article 116, § 6, paragraph 2, of the Election Code, the identity
of natural persons making donations, in any form, equivalent to 125 euros and
more to political parties and their components, lists, candidates and political
representatives shall be annually registered by the beneficiaries.)"

Art 16ter. § 2. "The statement shall include the name and surname of the natural person
granting the donation, the full address (street, number and district of the main
residence), nationality, the amount of each donation, the date the donation has
been received and the total amount of all donations received during the current


No specific mention of the requirement to process donations through banking system, but donors must be registered internally by political parties and candidates.

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