51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




Art 6 Act of 4 July 1989 on the limitation and control of election expenses (amended in 2015).

Art. 6. Upon request of a list number, political parties submit a written statement in which they commit to: 
3° [...] The written statement, the statement with the election expenses and the statement with the origin of funds, as well as the confirmation of receipt, are drawn up based upon special forms set forth by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and published in due time in the Belgian Official Gazette. The forms of the election expenses statement and the statement with the origin of funds, as wel as the registration forms specified at paragraph 2, are made available to the political parties at a later date, upon request of a list number. 



Financial information from political parties' and individual candidates' election campaigns is in the Belgian Official Gazette.

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