18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?



Yes, for natural persons

Article16bis  of the Act of 4 July 1989 on the Limitation and Control of Election Expenses (amended in 2015).

"Article 16 bis. Political parties and their components, lists, candidates and political representatives may each receive annually, as donations from the same natural person, an amount not exceeding (EUR 500), or its equivalent value. The donor may assign each year a total amount not exceeding (EUR 2,000), or the equivalent value of this amount, for donations to the benefit of political parties and their components, lists, candidates and political representatives.) Each donation of 125 euros and more is transmitted electronically through a bank transfer, standing order or bank or credit card. The total amount of donations in cash by a single person may not exceed 125 euros per year."



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