33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Sierra Leone
156. Air time on radio and television.
(1) The management of the national radio or television shall, during an election campaign period, ensure that equal air time is given to each candidate and each political party on the national radio and television.
(2) The management of the national radio or television shall, in pursuance of subsection (1), allocate a minimum airtime of thirty minutes to each candidate and political party during an election campaign period taking into account, the number of candidates and political parties making a request under subsection (3).
(3) A candidate or political party wishing to be given air time under subsection (1), shall for that purpose make a request in writing addressed to the management of the national radio or television, and the management shall only act upon the receipt of the request in writing.
The Public Elections Act, 2012, available at http://www.sierra-leone.org/Laws/2012-04.pdf accessed February 2018.