33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

The Gambia
(a) Election Campaigning
Election campaign materials
86. (1) Upon the commencement of an election campaign candidates and political parties may, in addition to regular campaigning,
(b) make use of the press, radio, television and other media form;
(c) Use of Radio and Television
Air time on radio and TV
93. (1) The Commission shall, during an election campaign period, ensure that equal time is given to each candidate and national party on the public radio and television.
(2) The Commission shall, in compliance with subsection (1), determine the time to be allocated to each candidate and political party per day or such other period as the Commission may consider reasonable, taking into account the number of candidates and political parties making a request under subsection (3).
(Elections Decree, Decree 78 of 1996, available at http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/87126/98990/F1626110084/GMB87126.pdf accessed February 2018).