58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Forfeiture
  • Loss of public funding

Articles 28, 29 and 30 - Political Parties Act (2005), last amended in 2013.

Article 28 Administrative sanctions
(1) In the event of violations of the rules in chapter 4, the Political Parties Act Committee determines by how much the party's public grant is to be reduced. A first violation of limited scope can be sanctioned by a formal warning. In determining the amount by which the grant is to be reduced, emphasis should be placed on how large a grant the party or party unit may apply for in the relevant year, and the severity and duration of the violation, among other things. The Ministry can issue further rules about the reduction in regulations.
(2) The courts can review all aspects of the Political Parties Act Committee's decision pursuant to this Section.

Article 29. Confiscation
(1) For violations of the provisions in section 17a, first to fourth subsection, the Political Parties Act Committee shall make a decision on the confiscation of up to the full value of the donation that has been received illegally.
(2) Section 28(2) applies in a corresponding manner.

Article 30. Penalty
(1) Whoever intentionally or by gross negligence gives materially incorrect information in connection with the reporting obligation in chapter 4 will be penalised by fines or imprisonment for up to two years.
(2) Whoever intentionally or by gross negligence is guilty of significant or repeat violations of the provisions in Section 17a will be penalised by fines or imprisonment for up to two years.


Sanctions can range from a formal warning to imprisonment.

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