56. Which institution(s) is responsible for examining financial reports and/or investigating violations?



Special agency for political finance

Article 24 (1) The Political Parties Act Committee is an independent administrative body, administratively subordinate to the King and the Ministry. Neither the King nor the Ministry may issue instructions concerning the execution of authority by the Political Parties Act Committee in individual cases under the law, nor may they alter it.
(2) The Political Parties Act Committee is granted the authority to:
a) interpret the rules in this Act and in regulations issued on the basis of this Act
b) control compliance with the funding provisions of this Act
c) make decisions about the use of administrative sanctions and confiscations
d) make decisions on appeals regarding registration, cf. section 8
e) make decisions on appeals of decisions on the awarding of public grants, cf. section 15
(3) The Political Parties Act Committee can demand that the party or party unit presents all documentation that is significant for compliance with the obligations in chapter 4 of this Act and that the Committee finds reason to examine specially.
(4) If the Political Parties Act Committee finds it necessary, the party or party unit's compliance with its duties in chapter 4 can be controlled. This control is carried out by a specially appointed supervisory body, the Party Auditing Committee. The Party Auditing Committee can demand that the party or party unit presents all documentation that is significant to the aforementioned issue. Issues related to auditing activities that the Party Auditing Committee believes may violate the Auditors Act or Section 21a of this Act, must be reported to the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.
(5) In years other than election years, the Party Auditing Committee must, on request from the Political Parties Act Committee, conduct routine controls of the compliance of parties or party units subject to reporting obligations with the obligations in chapter 4. The control must be politically neutral and cannot include areas that touch on the party or party unit's independence or political freedom of action. The Party Auditing Committee must guide the party or party unit in its understanding of the obligations in chapter 4.
(6) Section 6-1 of the Auditors Act about the duty of confidentiality does not prevent the Party Auditing Committee from presenting information relevant to compliance with this Act or with Sections 276a to 276c of the General Civil Penal Code (1902) to the Political Parties Act Committee.
(7) Anyone who performs services or work for the Political Parties Act Committee or the Party Auditing Committee is required to prevent others from gaining access to, or knowledge of, the knowledge they gain about internal party issues as a result of their service or work. Section 13a(1) no. 1 to 3 and Section 13b(1) no. 2 to 6 of the Public Administration Act nevertheless applies.

Political Parties Act (2005), last amended in 2013. 


The Political Parties Act Committee and the Party Auditing Committee. 

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