48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?

Papua New Guinea
(5) A non-citizen, who makes a contribution to –
- a registered political party; or
- a candidate at an election,
shall, within 30 days of making the contribution, inform the Registrar of –
- the amount of the contribution; and
- the name of the political party or candidate, as the case may be, to which or whom the contribution was made; and
- the date on which the contribution was made; and
- such other matters concerning the contribution as may be prescribed.
(6) A person, who fails to comply with Subsection (5), is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding the amount of the contribution in relation to which the offence was committed.
(7) A –
- registered political party; or
- candidate at an election, shall, within 30 days of receiving a contribution from a non-citizen, inform the Registrar of –
- the amount of the contribution; and
- the name of the non-citizen from whom the contribution was received; and
- the date on which the contribution was made; and
- such other matters concerning the contribution as may be prescribed. (8) A –
- registered political party which; or
- candidate who,
fails to comply with Subsection (7), is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding the amount of the contribution in relation to which the offence was committed
Source: Article 81, Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates 2003, No 0 of 2003
(5) A citizen, who makes a contribution to –
- a political party; or
- a candidate at an election,
shall, within 30 days of making the contribution, inform the Registrar of –
- the amount of the contribution; and
- the name of the political party or candidate, as the case may be, to which or whom the contribution was made; and
- the date on which the contribution was made; and
- such other matters concerning the contribution as may be prescribed.
(6) A person, who fails to comply with Subsection (5), is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding the amount of the contribution in relation to which the offence was committed.
(7) A –
- registered political party; or
- candidate at an election,
shall, within 30 days of receiving a contribution from a citizen, inform the Registrar of –
- the amount of the contribution; and
- the name of the citizen from whom the contribution was received; and
- the date on which the contribution was made; and
- such other matters concerning the contribution as may be prescribed.
(8) A –
- registered political party which; or
who fails to comply with Subsection (7), is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding the amount of the contribution in relation to which the offence was committed.
Source: Article 79, Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates 2003, No 0 of 2003
(1) Within three months after the date fixed for the return of writs following a general election and every twelve months thereafter, the public officer of a political party shall lodge with the Registrar a financial return specifying –
- details of all contributions which that political party has received; and
- details of all other receipts and income of that political party; and
- details of all expenditure which that political party has incurred, during the period –
- in the case of a financial return lodged following the return of writs in a general election – of 12 months preceding the date of return of the writs; and
- in the case of any other financial return – since the date of the end of the period covered by the previous financial return.
(2) A financial return under Subsection (1) shall contain –
(a) in respect of each contribution –
- the full name and address of each contributor; and
- the date of receipt of the contribution; and
- where the contribution was made in cash – the amount;
- where the contribution was not made in cash – and nature and value of the contribution; and
(b) in respect of receipts and income –
- full details of the source and nature of the income or of the sum received; and
- the date of receipt of the income or sum received; and
(c) in respect of each item of expenditure –
- the full name and address of each recipient of expenditure; and
- the date on which the expenditure was made; and
- the nature and value of the expenditure; and
(d) in respect of each item of expenditure on a candidate –
- the full name and address of the candidate; and
- the name of the electorate for which he was a candidate; and
- the date on which the expenditure was made; and
- the nature and value of the expenditure.
(3) Where a financial return lodged with Registrar under Subsection (1) –
- is not complete; or
- lacks detail or substance in any respect,
the Commission may require the political party or the candidate to furnish such further information as the Commission may direct.
(4) A political party, which fails to file a financial return as required by this section, is guilty of an offence.
Penalty: A fine not exceeding K5, 000.00
Default penalty: A fine not exceeding K50.00
(5) Where a political party has not filed a financial return as required by this section, each executive officer of that political party is guilty of misconduct in office under the Leadership Code.
Source: Article 88, Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates 2003, No 0 of 2003
Political parties must report each contribution received within 30 days of its receipt, and must report on their finances within 3 months of the return of the writs for an election. Contributors must also report each contribution made to a political party within 30 days of making the contribution