45. Are there limits on online media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?

Papua New Guinea
The Organic law does not include any provisions on the role of the media during the campaign, neither on the right of equal access by electoral contestants to the state-owned media, nor to the principles of (free or paid) political advertising, that would aim to ensure a balanced and pluralistic coverage of all candidates. Equally, the other legislation relevant to the media, mainly the Broadcasting Corporation Act of 1973 and the Cybercrime Code Act of 2016, are silent in regards to regulating the media coverage of the electoral campaign.
Source: European Union Election Expert Mission to Papua New Guinea Final Report May-August 2017, European Union, Brussels, September 2017, accessed at http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/fpi/documents/key-documents/election-expert-mission-png-2017-final-report_en.pdf on 3 February 2018