8. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to candidates?

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea


(5) A citizen, who makes a contribution to –

  • a political party; or
  • a candidate at an election,

shall, within 30 days of making the contribution, inform the Registrar of –

  • the amount of the contribution; and
  • the name of the political party or candidate, as the case may be, to which or whom the contribution was made; and
  • the date on which the contribution was made; and
  • such other matters concerning the contribution as may be prescribed.

(6) A person, who fails to comply with Subsection (5), is guilty of an offence.

Penalty: A fine not exceeding the amount of the contribution in relation to which the offence was committed.

(7) A –

  • registered political party; or
  • candidate at an election,

shall, within 30 days of receiving a contribution from a citizen, inform the Registrar of –

  • the amount of the contribution; and
  • the name of the citizen from whom the contribution was received; and
  • the date on which the contribution was made; and
  • such other matters concerning the contribution as may be prescribed.

(8) A –

  • registered political party which; or

who fails to comply with Subsection (7), is guilty of an offence.

Penalty: A fine not exceeding the amount of the contribution in relation to which the offence was committed.

Source: Article 79, Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates 2003, No 0 of 2003


De facto ban as the name of the citizen from whom each contribution was received has to be reported

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