18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?

Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands


  Section 59 (2) of the Political Parties Integrity Act requires only that the financial statement of the political party must include the donations received, their sources and the election expenses for each candidate.

Source: Article 59(2), Solomon Islands Political Parties Integrity Act, 2014.

Section 45 of the National Parliament Electoral Provisions Act [Cap 87] states that:
(1) Each candidate shall submit to the Returning Officer within one month of the declaration of the result of the election a statement of account, specifying all expenses incurred by him in his election campaign.
(2) If any expenses referred to in subsection (1) amount, in the case of any individual candidate to more than seven thousand dollars, that candidate shall be guilty of an offense and liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

The expenditure limit was lifted in the National Parliament Electoral Provisions (Amendment) Act 1997 to SI$50,000 (US$7,076) for any one candidate.

Source: Global Integrity Report 2012: Solomon Islands https://www.globalintegrity.org/research/reports/global-integrity-report/global-integrity-report-2012/gir-scorecard-2012-solomon-islands/ 


 The Solomon Islands Political Parties Integrity Act 2014 does not limit the amount that can be contributed to a candidate over the period of an election. However, Section 45 of the National Parliament Electoral Provisions Act [Cap 87] does limit candidate election expenditure to $50,000 thereby providing an indirect method of capping of election donations. 

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