13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

Marshall Islands
If public or governmental facilities in an electorate are made available to any candidate or to the supporters of either side in a referendum, equal opportunity shall be given to all candidates in the electorate, or to the supporters of the other side in the referendum as the case may be
Source: Article 195, 2 MIRC Ch 1, Elections and Referenda Act 1980
(9) Public officials and Government employees shall protect and conserve government property and shall not use it for other than authorized government activities;
Source: Article 1704, 3 MIRC Ch 17, Ethics in Government Act 1993
Election law reuqires that all candidates be given equal opportunity to use governmental facilities in an electorate, if these are made available to any candidate.
Code of ethics for government employees and public officials requires that government property shall not be used for any purpoase other than that authorised.