58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Suspension of political party
  • Other

Article 33. (1)

1. In case political parties, their organizations and structural subdivisions violate the Constitution of Turkmenistan, this Law and other regulatory and legal acts of Turkmenistan, as well as their charters and programmes, the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan shall issue a written warning to them and set a deadline of at least one month for redressing these violations. If political parties fail to eliminate the afore?mentioned violations within the set deadline, activities of such political parties may be suspended by a court?s decision based on a statement of claim by the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan for up to six months.

(Law of Turkmenistan on Political Parties, 2012 available at http://asgabat.net/stati/zakonodatelstvo-turkmenistana/zakon-turkmenistana-o-politicheskih-partijah.html  accessed January 2018).


Parties breaking the law can receive a warning, and is suspended if the warning is ignored.

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