33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Article 27 (2). Conducting Election Campaigning through Mass Media
Candidates for the deputies, political parties when campaigning are provided with equal conditions for access to the state mass media by means of arranging for them the same amount of airtime and print space for free.
(Law on Elections of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1993 available at http://www.elections.uz/ru/events/legislation/409/ accessed January 2018).
The CEC allocated a significant amount of free airtime and space in state-owned media outlets, dividing it equally among contesting political parties, in compliance with its legal obligation. A total of 18 hours of free-of-charge political advertising was broadcast on state-owned television stations during the monitored period. Parties made little use of the opportunity to buy additional airtime.
(OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission Final Report, Republic of Uzbekistan, Parliamentary Elections, 21 December 2014, available at http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/uzbekistan/142576?download=true accessed January 2018).