Voting method

- Personal
- Postal
- e-voting
Estonia, Riigikogu (Parliament) Election Act (2002, as of 13.01.2020), accessed 5 February 2020
§ 49. Preparation for voting
(1) Voting in a foreign state for voters permanently residing in the foreign state and voters temporarily staying there shall be organised by foreign missions of Estonia.
(2) A consular authority led by an honorary consul the honorary consul of which is an Estonian citizen may be designated to organise voting by an order of the Government of the Republic. In such case, the consular authority led by the honorary consul shall perform the acts prescribed in this Chapter. [RT I 2009, 29, 175 - entry into force 01.07.2009]
(3) Voting shall be organised by the head of a foreign mission or an official designated by him or her. In the case prescribed in subsection (2) of this section, voting shall be held by the honorary consul or a person designated by him or her. The person who holds voting must be entitled to the right to vote pursuant to subsections 4 (1) and (2) of this Act.
(4) The controller of the population register shall organise the forwarding of lists of voters permanently residing in foreign states to the foreign missions. The following information shall be entered in the list of voters:
1) given name and surname;
2) personal identification code;
3) residential address, if known;
4) the number of the electoral district of which the consolidated list of candidates is sent to the voter.
(5) Voters permanently residing in a foreign state and voters temporarily staying in a foreign state based on the data in the population register shall be sent electronic voter's cards not later than on the sixtieth day before election day. To order a voter's card, a voter shall submit an application pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsection 21 (21) of this Act. [RT I, 11.07.2014, 1 - entry into force 21.07.2014]
(6) The following shall be entered in the voter’s card:
1) given name and surname of voter;
2) year of birth of voter;
3) residential address of voter;
4) number and description of electoral district pursuant to § 6 of this Act;
5) address of foreign mission;
6) procedure for submitting application to vote by post, for voting by post and for voting at foreign mission;
7) due date for receipt by foreign mission of applications to vote by post;
8) due date for receipt by foreign mission of ballot papers sent by post;
9) time of voting at foreign mission;
10) time of electronic voting;
11) other information concerning voting. [RT I, 11.07.2014, 1 - entry into force 21.07.2014]
See also articles 50-56
Referendum Act (2002, amended 2017)
§ 46. Electronic voting in foreign states
[Repealed - RT I 01.11, 2012, 1 - entry into force 11.11.2012]
European Parliament Election Act (2002 as amended 2017)
§ 52. Electronic voting in foreign states
[Repealed - RT I 01.11, 2012, 1 - entry into force 11.11.2012]