34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?




The only media organisation in the country is the Nauru Media Bureau (NMB) which is under the authority of the Ministry of Communication and controlled by a Government Minister. The NMB manages the TV, radio and a monthly publication, ‘Mwinen Ko’.


The Government issued a statement, stating that Government media was used only to highlight national programs undertaken by the Government and not for political campaigning. The Mission was advised that no individual MP, including from those Government, was given undue access to the public media for campaign purposes. The Electoral Commissioner subsequently clarified that the Electoral Act prohibits any candidate from using Government resources for  campaigning or election related activities

Source: The Commonwealth (2016) Nauru General Election 9 July 2016 The Commonwealth Observer Mission Report, The Commonwealth, London


The only broadcast media is State owned and the Electoral Act prohibits the use of State resources for campaigning

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