Voting method

Ukraine, Law on Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine (2011, last amended in 2014), accessed 10 April 2019
Article 22. Foreign election precincts
1. A foreign election precinct shall be established for the purpose of organizing and conducting voting for voters residing or, on the day of voting at the election of MPs, staying in the respective territory of a foreign state. {The provision “distributed evenly among all single-mandate districts being created in the territory of the capital of Ukraine – city of Kyiv” of Part 2 Article 2 was invalidated as unconstitutional pursuant to the Constitutional Court Decision № 7-rp/2012 dd. 04.04.2012}
2. Foreign election precincts shall be established by the Central Election Commission at foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine and at military units (commands) deployed outside Ukraine. {Part 2 Article 22 as amended pursuant to the Law № 709-VII dd. 21.11.2013}
3. A foreign election precinct that has its premises for voting located in a diplomatic institution of Ukraine or at the location of a military unit (command) outside Ukraine shall be deemed a permanent election precinct.
4. A foreign election precinct shall have its own number, address of premises for voting, and address of office of the precinct election commission of the foreign election precinct.