Model of electoral management

Constitution (2017)
Section 222. The Election Commission consists of seven commissioners appointed by the King upon the advice of the Senate from persons as follows:
(1) five persons selected by the Selection Committee from persons who have knowledge and expertise in various academic fields that will be useful for administration and management of election in honest and just manner, and are of evident integrity;
(2) two persons selected by the plenary meeting of the Supreme Court from persons who have knowledge, expertise and experience in the field of law, are of evident integrity, and had held a position not lower than Chief Justice or a position not lower than Director-General of a State Attorney Department for a period of not less than five years.
The person who will be selected as an Election Commissioner under (1) shall have qualifications under section 232 (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7) or shall be a person who works or had worked in the civil society sector for a period of not less than twenty years, as prescribed by notification of the Selection Committee.